
低速率移动自组织网络安全路由协议 被引量:1

Study of Security Routing Protocol for the Low-Rate Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
摘要 由于移动Ad Hoc网络具有无需基础设施,可以快速部署,很难完全被摧毁等优点,被作为数字化战场通信的优先选择,设计实现了一种适用于低速率移动Ad Hoc网络的安全路由协议——LSRP,它适用于分层架构的低速移动电台自组网,可以在网络资源有限的情况下,防御来自外部和内部两方面的攻击。LSRP协议利用分布式门限RSA签名方案来阻止非授权接入,防范来自网络外部的攻击;利用邻节点信任度评估机制,进行恶意节点检测和剪除,防范来自网络内部的攻击,增强了网络的安全性。 With advantages in many respects,such as without infrastructure,rapidly deployed and hard to be totally destroyed,Mobile Ad Hoc Networks have been the first choice for digital battlefield communications. The LSRP protocol,which is a constructive safe routing protocol for the low-rate Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,has been proposed and implemented in this thesis. The protocol can defend attacking from outside and inside with limited network resource. In order to increase the security of LSRP,the distributed threshold RSA signature scheme is imposed to prevent unauthorized access, avoiding the attacks from outside of the network. In addition,in order to detect the attacks from inside of the cluster and,the trust evaluation between neighbor nodes has been brought into LSRP for detecting and purging the malicious nodes. The security of LSRP protocol has been greatly enhanced.
出处 《火力与指挥控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第9期147-151,共5页 Fire Control & Command Control
关键词 移动AD HOC网络 电台自组网 路由协议 节点信任度评估 mobile Ad hoc networks self-organized radio networks routing protocols node trust evaluation
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