厚朴枝角叶蜂Cladiucha magnoliae Xiao是仅取食厚朴类植物叶片的寡食性害虫。通过野外定点观察并结合室内饲养观察,研究了该虫的生物学特性。厚朴枝角叶蜂在湖北恩施1 a发生1代,以老熟幼虫在树冠投影面积1~6 cm深的土层内筑土室越冬,翌年5月上旬开始化蛹,5月中旬始见成虫,6月上中旬为成虫羽化盛期,7月下旬羽化结束。成虫羽化后需进行1周左右的补充营养,再行交配、产卵,卵7 d左右孵化。该虫虫态重叠现象严重,从6月上旬到9月上旬均可见幼虫,幼虫期长达3个月,末龄幼虫从8月上旬到9月上旬陆续下树入土越冬。该虫卵块成条状集中产于叶侧脉两侧,幼虫有群集危害的习性。
Cladiucha magnoliae Xiao is an oligophagous defoliator attacking Magnolia officinalis. By field observation and indoor breeding,the pest's bionomics was studied. It has 1 generation a year in Enshi,Hubei Province and overwinters as pre-pupa in 1-6 cm deepth under the ground direct in the shadow of tree crown. It begins to pupate in the first ten days of May the next year,and emerges in mid-May. The peak season of adult eclosion is in early and middle June and the eclosion finishes in late July. Adult requires feeding for about a week before mating and laying eggs which hatch 7 days later.The larva can be found from early June to early September. The mature larvae begin to overwinter from early August to early September. The egg masses are laid on both sides of the leaf vein,so young larvae often live together.
Forest Pest and Disease