
永磁同步电主轴用电机定子周向模态研究 被引量:1

Investigation of Circumferential Mode of Stator in Motor for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motorized Spindle
摘要 如果永磁同步电机定子模态计算不准确,将无法在设计阶段将电磁力的主要谐波频率设计在反共振点附近,以避开共振,因而,对定子进行模态研究具有重要意义。文章采用解析方法分别计算了定子铁心和带绕组定子的模态频率,并通过有限元仿真进行了模态分析,最后与模态实验对比,验证了计算结果的正确性。对于不需浸漆处理的小型永磁同步电机定子,绕组和绝缘材料只增加了定子的质量和阻尼,并未对其刚度产生影响,因而,可以将绕组质量等效到定子齿部计算其模态频率。 Main harmonic frequencies of electromagnetic forces can’ t be set up in vicinity of anti-resonant frequencies to avoid resonance in design phase, if calculations of natural frequencies of stator of permanent magnet synchronous motor ( PMSM) were not accurate. Thus, it has vast importance to do modal analysis of stator. The analytic method was used to calculate modal frequencies of the stator core and the stator with winding respectively. The finite element method was put to use doing modal analysis. Comparing with mo-dal experiment, the correctness of calculated result was validated. With regard to small permanent magnet synchronous motors which don’ t need dipping treatment, the winding and insulation only increase mass and damper of stator and have little influence on stiffness of stator. Therefore, the mass of winding can be added to stator tooth equivalently.
出处 《组合机床与自动化加工技术》 北大核心 2014年第9期70-72,共3页 Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51175350)
关键词 周向模态 模态频率 有限元 永磁同步电机 circumferential mode natural frequency finite element method permanent magnet synchro-nous motor
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