
不同堆肥方式对氮素转化规律的影响 被引量:2

Effect of Different Composting Methods on Nitrogen Transformation During Composting
摘要 研究了甘蔗叶与牛粪混合物不同堆肥方式对氮素转化规律的影响。将甘蔗叶与新鲜的牛粪以1∶3的质量比充分混合,在同样的外界条件下,采用密闭容器强制通风法和翻堆法两种好氧发酵法进行堆肥。结果表明,翻堆堆肥相比于通风堆肥:温度高2.1-5.2℃,有机质降解率高28.25%,最终含水率高8.08%,最终pH值高0.12。这些因素的不同导致通风堆肥的硝态氮高出翻堆堆肥23-165mg·kg-1;氨氮含量前13d通风堆肥高出翻堆堆肥48-1 017mg·kg-1,后期翻堆堆肥高出1-42mg·kg-1;亚硝态氮含量前9d翻堆堆肥高出通风堆肥285-425mg·kg-1,后期通风堆肥高出41-118mg·kg-1。表明,两种不同堆肥方式中氮素的转化规律不同,翻堆堆肥更有利于促进氮素转化。 The effect of different composting methods of sugarcane leaves and cow manure mixture on nitrogen transformation was evaluated with the mass ratio of sugarcane leaves and cow manure 1∶3.The study was conducted with aeration method and turning method under the same external conditions.Compared to aeration method,the temperature enhanced by 2.1-5.2 ℃,the degradation rate of the organic matter enhanced by28.25%,the final moisture content increased by 8.08%,the final pH value raised by 0.12 in turning method.The concentration of nitrate nitrogen was 23-165mg·kg-1 lower in turning method.The concentration of ammonia nitrogen in the first 13 dwas 48-1 017mg·kg-1 lower in the turning method,and 1-42mg·kg-1higher at last in the turning method.The concentration of nitrite nitrogen in the first 13 dwas 285-425mg·kg-1 higher in the turning method,and 41-118mg·kg-1 lower at last in the turning method.The results showed that the transformation of nitrogen was different in different composting systems,and the turning method was more effective in nitrogen transformation.
出处 《化学与生物工程》 CAS 2014年第9期25-28,48,共5页 Chemistry & Bioengineering
基金 广西科技攻关计划项目(桂科攻11107004-13)
关键词 好氧发酵 甘蔗叶 牛粪 通风法 翻堆法 氮素转化 aerobic fermentation sugarcane leaves cow manure aeration method turning method nitrogen transformation
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