
卵巢衰老 被引量:4

Ovarian Aging
摘要 女性卵巢衰老的发生远远提前于其身体其他器官的衰老,且现代社会越来越多的女性推迟生育年龄,使卵巢衰老问题受到广泛的关注。首先介绍卵巢衰老的主要表现:即卵子数量的减少、卵子质量的下降以及卵巢相关激素水平的变化。而后概述近年来卵巢衰老内在机制的研究,包括:活性代谢产物[活性氧簇(ROS)、活性碳簇(RCS)]的积累、基因组DNA和线粒体DNA的突变、端粒长度缩短和端粒酶活性的下降。近年来,关于延缓卵巢衰老的研究发现,抗氧化剂和热量限制可以延缓卵巢衰老甚至延长动物寿命。 The functional ovarian aging is in many years before other organs aging of female body. More and more women postpone their childbearing age in modem society. These facts made the ovarian aging be widely concerned in recent years. We hereby introduced the main manifestation of ovarian aging: loss of folliles, reduction in oocytes quality, and decreased level of ovarian hormones. We reviewed the mechanism of ovarian aging including: accumulation of reactive metabolic byproducts (ROS, RCS), mutation of genome DNA and mtDNA, shortened telomere length and diminished telomerase activity. In recent years, many findings suggested that antioxidant and caloric restriction could exert significant effects in delaying ovarian aging, or even elongate the animal lifespan.
出处 《国际生殖健康/计划生育杂志》 CAS 2014年第5期388-391,共4页 Journal of International Reproductive Health/Family Planning
关键词 卵巢 衰老 性腺甾类激素 卵泡 卵子 活性氧 端粒 Ovary Aging Gonadal steroid hormones Ovarian follicle Ovum Reactive oxygen species Telomere
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