
封闭抗体低下性复发性流产患者外周血中CD3、CD4、CD8相关性探讨及中医证型分布研究 被引量:10

Study of Distributive Regulation of Associativity of Laws of CD3,CD4 and CD8 in Peripheral Blood and TCM Syndrome Type on Low-Level-Antibody Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion
摘要 目的:研究封闭抗体低下性复发性流产的外周血中CD3、CD4、CD8正负分布及中医证候分布规律,探讨封闭与年龄、难免次数、妊娠结局、证型的相关性。方法:搜集符合纳入标准的228例复发性流产患者,记录其年龄、难免流产次数、中医证型、封闭抗体等情况,用SPSS 17.0进行统计分析。结果:1单项封闭值负者:封闭抗体低下性复发性流产CD3负者42.9%,CD4负者83.5%,CD8负者32.7%,总值负者48.8%,CD4/CD8负者80.8%,P<0.01;两项封闭均负者:封闭抗体低下性复发性流产CD3CD4均负者36.4%,CD4CD8均负者13.5%,CD3CD8均负者13.5%,三者皆负者13.5%,P<0.01。2封闭抗体低下性复发性流产患者妊娠成功者CD4/CD8(-0.56±3.89)大于妊娠失败者CD4/CD8(-2.43±7.07),P=0.05。3封闭抗体低下性复发性流产患者肾虚型占76.8%、脾肾两虚型占21.9%、气血两虚型占1.3%(P<0.01)。4按三大证型来分类:肾虚型患者CD4(-1.73±1.96)小于脾肾两虚型患者(-0.88±1.75),P<0.05。结论:1封闭抗体低下性复发性流产患者外周血中单项负者,以CD4与CD4/CD8负者为主,而CD8以正数分布为主;两项负者,以CD3与CD4均负者为主。2CD4/CD8与封闭抗体低下性复发性流产患者的妊娠结局有正相关性关系,可对妊娠结局起提示作用。3封闭抗体低下性复发性流产以肾虚型为主要证型。4患者外周血中CD4值对封闭抗体低下复发性流产患者提示肾虚证型有一定的参考意义。 Objective:The purpose of this study is to explore the law of CD3,CD4 and CD8 in peripheral blood and TCM syndrome type of the patients with blocking antibody in the low level and investigate the correlation between blocking antibody and the syndrome,age,the number of inevitable abortion and the outcomes of pregnant. Methods:We got 228 patients met inclusion criteria whose blocking antibody in peripheral blood was at a low level with their age,miscarriage history,TCM syndrome type,blocking antibody,et al and analyzed the data with SPSS 17. 0. Resluts:1The percent of individual negative:negative number of CD3 was 42. 9%;negative number of CD4 was 83. 5%;negative number of CD8 was32. 7%;negative number of summation extends CD3,CD4 and CD8 was 48. 8%; negative number of CD4 /CD8 was80. 8%,P〈0. 01. The percent of two negative number:negative number of CD3 and CD4 was 34. 65%;negative number of CD4 and CD8 was 12. 72%;negative number of CD3 and CD8 was 12. 72%;negative number of CD3,CD4 and CD8 was 12. 72%,P〈0. 01. 2To compare CD4 /CD8 in the two kinds of pregnant outcomes of the patients with low blocking antibody(BA):successful pregnancy group(CD4 /CD8:- 0. 56 ± 3. 89) was greater than failed pregnancy group(CD4 /CD8:- 2. 43 ± 7. 07),P = 0. 05. 3There were three syndrome types in this research: 76. 8% was deficiency of kidney;21. 9% was deficiency of kidney and spleen;1. 3% was deficiency of qi and blood,P〈0. 01. 4To compare CD4 in the two syndrome types of the patients with low blocking antibody(BA):deficiency of kidney group(CD4:- 1. 73 ± 1. 96)was less than deficiency of spleen and kidney( CD4:- 0. 88 ± 1. 75),P〈0. 05. Conclusion:1Considering one type of blocking antibody item:CD4 and CD4 /CD8 in peripheral blood of the patients with low blocking antibody( BA) mainly are negative,conversely,CD8 is mainly positive number. Considering two types of blocking antibody item:CD3CD4 of negative number is more than other assemblies. 2CD4 /CD8 in peripheral blood of the patients with low blocking antibody(BA) is positively correlated with pregnant outcomes,and it could function as hints or reminders. 3The deficiency of kidney is the main pattern of syndrome of recurrent spontaneous abortion with low blocking antibody(BA). 4CD4 in peripheral blood of the patients with low blocking antibody(BA) can signify deficiency of kidney syndrome in a certain sense.
作者 贾科萍 傅萍
出处 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 2014年第10期2407-2411,共5页 Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 浙江省自然科学基金项目(Y2091111) 浙江省中医管理局项目(2009WA011)
关键词 封闭抗体 复发性流产 证型分布 blocking antibody recurrent spontaneous abortion pattern of syndrome distribution
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