目的 研究功能性消化不良的中医体质类型分布特点及其影响因素,为FD的防治提供临床客观依据.方法 采用王琦的标准化的9种中医体质量表对200例功能性消化不良人群进行调查.结果 200例中各体质类型构成比:气郁质>湿热质>痰湿质>气虚质>平和质>阳虚质>阴虚质>血瘀质>特禀质.不同年龄消化不良人群体质分布:18~29岁34例(17.0%),30~39岁62例(31.0%),40~49岁57例(28.5%),50~65岁47例(23.5%).男性患者以湿热质为主,女性患者以气郁质为主.结论 本研究表明FD人群中以气郁质、湿热质倾向最明显,为开展中医药干预的临床研究提供调查依据.
Objective: To study the functional dyspepsia of the TCM constitution type distribution characteristics and the characteristics of influencing factors in order to provide the clinical objective basis. Methods: 200 citizen who had poor functional dyspepsia by using the Wangqi standard of 9 kinds of TCM Constitution Questionnaire. Results: The constituent ratio of each type of constitution in 200 cases was as below: the depression of Qi syn- drome 〉the damp-heat syndrome 〉 the phlegm-dampness syndrome 〉 the deficiency of Qi syndrome 〉 the equi- librium between Yin and Yang syndrome 〉 the insufficiency of Yang syndrome 〉 the insufficiency of Yin syn- drome 〉the blood stasis syndorme 〉the special constitution syndrome. The distribution of constitution was different in population of different age,such as 34 cases in the age of 18-29 years old(17.0%),62 cases in the age of 30-39 years old (31.0%) ,57 cases in the age of 40-49 years old (28.5%) ,47 cases in the age of 50-65 years old (23.5%). The damp-heat syndrome was more predominantly in male patients,while the depression of Qi syn- drome was main in female patients. Conclusion: It can provide the basis for clinical research of Chinese medicine that the citizen who has FD is crowd to the depression of Qi syndrome and the damp-heat syndrome
Journal of Emergency in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Functional dyspepsia
TCM constitution
Distribution characteristics