
利用双尾法定位大豆水溶性蛋白 QTL 被引量:4

QTL Mapping of Soluble Protein Content in Soybean by Two Tail Analysis
摘要 大豆水溶性蛋白是大豆籽粒蛋白质的主要组成部分,其含量是评价大豆品质及衡量其价值的重要指标。以高水溶性蛋白含量(38.70±1.32)%的冀豆12和正常水溶性蛋白含量(32.40±1.08)%的黑豆(ZDD03651)为亲本构建的包含188个家系的F8、F9重组自交系群体为材料,利用双尾法在3个不同选择压力下对籽粒水溶性蛋白含量进行QTL定位研究。结果表明,2年中重组自交家系群体表型均呈现正态性超双亲分离,在30%,20%,10%这3个不同选择压力下共检测到大豆籽粒水溶性蛋白含量相关的QTL 23个,分布在A1、A2、C2、D1b、D2、E、F、H、I、K、L、M和O等13个连锁群中,其中13个QTL增效基因来自冀豆12。2年中在10%的选择压力下同时检测到2个QTL,分别为qSPC-6-1和qSPC-8-1。其中qSPC-6-1的连锁标记为Sat_062,2年中贡献率分别为9.78%和9.66%,增效基因来自冀豆12;qSPC-8-1的连锁标记为Satt177,2年中贡献率分别为9.78%和7.98%,增效基因来自于黑豆。该结果为分子标记辅助育种及分子克隆提供理论依据。 Water soluble protein is the main component of soybean seed protein ,the percentage of water soluble protein is an important index to value measure and quality evaluation .Two tail analysis in three selection pressure (30%,20%,10%) were employed to detect quantitative trait loci ( QTL) of soybean soluble protein content using 188 recombination inbred lines ( RIL) population derived from a cross between Jidou 12 and Heidou,Jidou 12 has high SPC(38.70 ±1.32)%and Heidou has low SPC(32.40±1.08)%.As a result,SPC phenotypic was appeared to be normal transgressive segregation distribution .And 23 QTLs were detected in 3 selection pressure (30%,20%, 10%),distribution on A1,A2,C2,D1b,D2,E,F,H,I,K,L,M and O linkage group,13 of those favorable genes from Jidou 12 .There were 2 QTL qSPC-6-1 ,qSPC-8-1 were detected by the two years in 10% selection pressure . The linkage marker of qSPC-6-1 was Sat_062,in two years genetic contribution is 9.78%and 9.66%respectively and favorable gene from Jidou 12;The linkage marker of qSPC-8-1 was Satt177 ,in two years genetic contribution is 9.78%and 7.98%respectively and favorable gene from Heidou .These studies provide a theoretical basis for mark-er-assisted breeding .
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期80-86,共7页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
基金 国家“十二五”科技支撑计划项目(2011BAD35B06) 国家自然科学基金项目(31201234) 河北省博士基金项目(F13E006)
关键词 大豆 水溶性蛋白 双尾法 QTL Soybean Soluble protein Two tail analysis QTL
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