目的 探讨泛酸钙对全饥饿大鼠脑脂质过氧化产物 (MDA)、还原型谷胱甘肽 (GSH)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH -Px)、超氧化歧化酶 (SOD)的影响及可能的脑保护机制。方法 以饥饿SD大鼠为模型 ,灌胃补充泛酸钙 ,观察大鼠饥饿后不同时期脑MDA、GSH、GSH -Px及SOD的变化。结果 饥饿后大鼠脑MDA含量明显升高 ,泛酸钙补充后大鼠脑MDA量在禁食 4与 7天较饥饿前无明显升高 ,与全饥饿对照组比较差异显著。泛酸钙对饥饿大鼠脑SOD ,GSH -Px活力无影响 ,但显著提高GSH水平。结论 泛酸钙能抑制饥饿大鼠脑的脂质过氧化损伤 。
Objective To study the effect of pantothentic calcium on lipid peroxidation in starved rat's brain.Methods To inject pantothentic calcium intragastricly to starved rats,then to examine brain MDA,GSH content and the activity of GSH-Px and SOD at different fasting period.Results Lipid peroxidation MDA content increased markedly after fasting,however MDA content in suplemented straved rats rose no significantly compared with normal rats at four and seven days of fasting,and had marked discrrepancy compared with starved control groups.Pantothenic calcium had no apparent effects on the activities of SOD,GSH-Px,and significantly enhanced GSH levels in the starved rats which were significantly low than that before fasting.Conclusion Pantothenic calcium can protect rats from harmful lipid peroxidation and some of the mechanisms was probably due to enhancing the level of GSH.
Chinese Journal of Public Health