目的 探讨在农村以控制高血压和健康教育等措施防治心脑血管疾病的可行性和效果。方法 采用社区干预研究的方法 ,对象为 35~ 6 9岁居民 ,干预措施为普查、随访和健康教育。评价指标为心脑血管病发病和死亡率。结果 干预社区 35~ 6 9岁为 76 5 7人。该年龄组高血压检出率占预期数的 6 7 9% ,比干预前增加了 1倍多 ,高血压患者接受治疗率由干预前的 17 8%提高到 6 7 9% ,检出 2 5 2例心电图有异常者 ,其中首次检出占 6 8 3%。干预后该年龄组脑血管病发病率下降了 4 4 13% ,发病高峰年龄组后移约 5岁 ;脑血管病死亡率下降了 5 0 2 5 % ,保护率为5 0 2 5 % ;心脏病死亡率下降了 2 0 4 0 %。结论 对 35~ 6 9岁人群高血压的社区综合防治可以使脑血管疾病的发生和死亡减少约 5 0 %。
Objective To discuss the effects and possibilities of preventing cardiovascular disease by controlling hypertension and health education in the population of rural community.Methods Community intervention study was designed.The observed subjects were citizens aged 35-69.The measurements of intervention included cross-section followup and health education.The incidence and mortality of cerebral and heart diseases were used to assess the preventing effect.Results The total population was 7 657 aged 35-69 in the intervened community.The detected number of patients with hypertension was accounted for 67 9% of total expected,and two times than that of before intervention.The rate of accepting cure for patients with hypertension increased from 17.8% to 67.9%.There were 252 cases with abnormality of electrocardiograh(ECG),68 3% of which was tested first time.At the end of the intervention the incidence and mortality of cerebral vascular disease declined by 44 13% and 50 25% respectively.The incidence of peek age group postponed 5 years.The protective rate was 50.25%.The mortality of heart disease went down by 20.40%.Conclusion Community-intervention program and education in population level for controlling hypertension may prevent cerebral vascular disease up to 50%.
Chinese Journal of Public Health