
网络弹性技术研究 被引量:4

Research on Network Resilience Technology
摘要 当前网络攻击愈演愈烈且呈现出复杂性、自适应和持续性等特点,期望能够完全抵御各种网络攻击已不再可能。现在的问题是,如何在攻击中仍能保持正常任务的顺利完成,即如何提高网络的弹性。本文详细阐述了网络弹性技术的基本概念、基本原理、技术特征以及关键技术,并结合发展趋势给出了相关建议,可作为下一步开展网络安全防护体系设计的参考依据。 Currently network at acks is intensified and exhibit the characteristics of complexity, adaptive and persistence. It is no longer possible to expect to be able to completely resist al kinds of network at acks . The kernel problem is how to perform the normal task while the at acks have been successful y. Namely, how to improve the network resilience. This paper il istrates the basic concepts of network resilience, the technical principle, technical characteristics, as wel as the key technology.Some reference is given combining the developing trend and the conclusion can be used as the next step design reference to construct the network security protection system.
出处 《信息安全与技术》 2014年第9期36-40,共5页
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61063042) 中国博士后科学基金项目(201104753) 北京市自然科学基金项目(4132025)
关键词 网络弹性 冗余技术 完整性度量技术 安全隔离技术 network resilience redundant integrity measurement security isolation
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