在回顾中、西医对女性更年期综合征病因、病机的认识及针灸治则的基础上 ,指出《内经》对本病的生理、病理认识是其理论基础 ,肾经、脾经是研究重点 ,辨病、辨证、针药结合是临床取效关键 ;立足于学科前沿 ,学贯中西医 。
The knowledge of both TCM and western medicine for the etiology and pathogenesis of women climacteric syndrome, and the principle of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment for women climacteric syndrome were reviewed, and it is indicated that the knowledge about etiology and pathogenesis of women climacteric syndrome in the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic is theoretical basis, both Kidney Channel and Spleen Channel are an important point of the study, and differentiation of disease, differentiation of syndrome and combination of acupuncture and medicines are a key of therapeutic effects; scientific integration of TCM and western medicine on the forward position of sciences, and finding the breading point are the total research direction in future.
Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion