目的了解村卫生室"中医健康管理"服务建设对农村地区糖尿病患者管控效果的影响。方法 2013年1—12月,在上海市浦东新区惠南镇社区选取100名正在药物治疗的糖尿病患者为对照组,另外选取100名为试验组,参与村卫生室"中医健康管理"项目,即在对照组药物治疗的基础上用中医健康管理对患者进行管控。结果管理后,试验组的空腹血糖值由(8.8±1.6)降为(5.4±1.5)mmol/L,对照组的空腹血糖值由(8.7±1.7)降为(6.3±1.6)mmol/L。试验组的餐后2 h血糖值由管理前的(12.5±5.6)降为管理后的(9.1±2.6)mmol/L,对照组则由管理前的(12.9±3.4)降为管理后的(9.9±3.6)mmol/L。试验组的服药依从率、空腹血糖值、餐后2 h血糖值、糖尿病知识掌握情况、健康行为状况明显优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论村卫生室开展以乡村医师为核心的"中医健康管理"服务,能够提高农村地区慢性病的管理率,符合国家公共卫生对慢性病防治工作要求,提高农村患者的健康素养,可以作为乡村慢性病健康管理的新模式在广大农村地区推广。
[Objective]To understand the influence of " Chinese medicine health management" service construction in village clinics on control effect of rural patients with diabetes.[Methods]100 patients with diabetes,who were treated by drug therapy in Huinan Community of Pudong New Area of Shanghai,were collected from January to December in 2013 as the control group,while other100 patients were selected as the experimental group. The experimental group was involved in the " Chinese medicine health management" project of village clinics,namely the patients were given the traditional Chinese medicine health management on the basis of drug therapy in the control group. [Results]After intervention,the fasting blood glucose value in the experimental group decreased from(8. 8 ± 1. 6) mmol /L to(5. 4 ± 1. 5) mmol /L,and that in the control group decreased from(8. 7 ± 1. 7) mmol /L to(6.3 ±1.6) mmol/L. The 2-hour postprandial blood glucose value in the experimental group decreased from(12.5±5.6) mmol/L to(9.1 ±2.6) mmol/L,while that in the control group decreased from(12.9 ±3.4) mmol/L to(9.9 ±3.6) mmol/L. After intervention,the drug compliance rate,fasting blood glucose value,2-hour postprandial blood glucose value,awareness rate of diabetes knowledge,and health behavior status in the experimental group were better than those in the control group,and the differences were statistically significant(P 〈0. 01). [Conclusion]The " Chinese medicine health management" services whose core is rural doctors in the village clinics can improve the management rate of chronic diseases in rural areas,accord with the requirements of the national public health for chronic disease prevention and control,and enhance rural patients' health literacy,which is a new pattern of rural chronic disease health management,and can be popularized in the rural areas.
Occupation and Health
Rural doctor
Chinese medicine health management