
城市暴雨管理模型应用研究进展 被引量:20

Progress on appliacction of storm water management model
摘要 回顾了城市暴雨管理模型SWMM的发展过程,着重分析了模型开发关注的重点问题:子流域划分尺度、模型参数的选取和设定、参数不确定性及灵敏度分析、参数的率定、模型结构的不确定性分析、模型开发与耦合等,对模型在水文过程模拟、水动力过程模拟、水质过程模拟3个方面的应用进行了评述,并对模型未来的优化应用和开发提出了建议和展望。 In this paper, we present a review of the development process of the model and discuss the present problems such as watershed division, selections and settings of parameters, analysis of uncertainty and sensitivity of parameters, calibrations of parameters, analysis of uncertainty of model structure, and expansion of model functions. Additionally, we analyze the model applications from three aspects: hydrological simulation, hydrodynamic simulation, and water quality simulation. The review sheds light on the abilities of SWMM with suggestions for improvement and extension of its application.
出处 《水利水电科技进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期89-97,共9页 Advances in Science and Technology of Water Resources
基金 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2012ZX07302002)
关键词 城市暴雨管理模型 水文模拟 水动力模拟 水质模拟 综述 storm water management model hydrological simulation hydrodynamic simulation water quality simulation review
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