
海坛岛沿海防护林森林生态系统间接经济价值评估 被引量:4

Evaluation on Indirect Economic Value of Forest Ecosystemin of Coastal Protection Forest in Haitan Island
摘要 依据平潭县资源调查数据、实地访谈及典型样地的实验分析,采用市场价值法、机会成本法和影子价格法等对海坛岛沿海防护林森林生态系统服务功能进行经济核算。评估结果:海坛岛总的森林生态服务价值为134 375.25×104元a-1,其中土壤保育价值达到93 748.33×104元a-1,固碳释氧价值为17 662.03×104元a-1,涵养水源价值5 263.02×104元a-1,森林防护价值14 624.72×104元a-1,净化大气价值2 438.63×104元a-1,林木价值638.25×104元a-1。从研究结果看,海坛岛沿海防护林森林生态系统间接经济价值巨大,该结果有利于提高人们对沿海防护林的认识,为海坛岛沿海防护林森林生态系统的管理、保护及生态补偿提供科学依据。 Based on the resources survey data,on-the-spot interviews and the experimental analysis for typical plots in Pingtan county,service function of forest ecosystem for coastal protection forest of Haitan Island were estimated by using the market valuation method,opportunity cost method and shadow engineering method.Result shows that:the total value of forest ecosystem services of Haitan Island are 134 375.25×104 Yuan a-1 ,of which the value of soil conservation,carbon fixation and oxygen released,water conservation,value of forest protection,value of atmosphere purification and value of forestland is estimated up to about 93 748.33×104 Yuan a-1 ,17 662.03×104 Yuan a-1 ,5 263.02×104Yuan a-1,14 624.72×104 Yuan a-1,2 438.63×104Yuan a-1,638.25×104Yuan a-1,respectively . The study result shows that the indirect economic value of ecosystems of coastal shelterbelt on Haitan Island are huge;the results will help improve people’awareness of coastal shelterbelt,and provide the scientific basis for the management,protection & ecological compensation of forest ecosystems for coastal shelterbelt on Haitan Island.
出处 《防护林科技》 2014年第11期11-14,共4页 Protection Forest Science and Technology
基金 福建水土保持林生态效益评价(HO0888)
关键词 沿海防护林 森林生态系统 间接价值 海坛岛 coastal protective forest forest ecosystem indirect value Haitan Island
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