

Monitoring and analysis of land subsidence using a multi-sensor monitoring system on the Choushui River alluvial fan, Taiwan
摘要 台湾浊水溪冲积扇(行政区域包括彰化县与云林县)在地质条件上富含有易压缩土壤,加上不当过量抽用地下水,导致该区域为台湾目前最严重的地层下陷区,尤其高速铁路正通过该地区最严重的下陷中心,地层下陷将会对高速铁路结构安全产生影响,使得地层下陷防治成为目前一个急需解决的重要议题。政府为改善当地严重地层下陷问题,大力投入相关防治工作。本文主要介绍台湾地区应用多元化监测技术监测浊水溪冲积扇的地层下陷,包含全球定位系统(GPS)、永久性雷达干涉技术(PSI)、水平测量、磁环分层式地层下陷监测井与地下水位井等,实现了空中、地面及地下对地层下陷的多维度变形监测,为地层下陷的研究与防治提供了重要的技术支撑。 Overpumping of groundwater has resulted in large-scale subsidence on the Choushui River al uvial fan (CRAF) in Taiwan, which has already endangered the operation of the Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) system. In this paper, we introduce a multi-sensor monitoring system used to study the extent of subsidence on CRAF and the associated mechanisms, which incorporates GPS (global positioning system), PSI (persistent scatterer interferometry), and leveling techniques, as wel as a multi-layer compaction monitoring wel . These sensors complement each other in their spatial and temporal resolution.
出处 《上海国土资源》 2014年第4期58-61,67,共5页 Shanghai Land & Resources
关键词 地层下陷 监测技术 多元化监测系统 浊水溪冲积扇 land subsidence monitoring technology monitoring system Choushui River al uvial fan
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