
微博社区成员参与动机实证研究 被引量:14

Empirical Study on Members' Motivations for Participating in Microblogs Community
摘要 利用逐步多元回归分析法,探讨成员参与微博社区的动机对参与行为的影响。研究发现,自我表达、信息价值、娱乐价值和关注名人这些动机对微博社区成员的参与行为存在显著影响。自我表达是成员参与微博社区的频率和层次的最重要动因,信息价值是成员参与微博社区的时间的最重要动因。理论层面上,研究结果可为参与动机对参与行为的影响路径研究以及社会公共事件背景下的微博社区参与行为研究提供前提;实践层面上,研究结果对微博服务提供者经营和管理微博社区以及政府相关部门管理微博具有现实意义。 The authors explore the impacts of members' motivations for participating in microblogs community on their behaviors for participating, with the application of stepwise multiple regression analysis method. The study shows that the motivations of self-expression, informational value, entertainment value, and attentions for celebrities significantly impact members' behaviors for participating in microblogs community. Furthermore, self- expression is the most important motivation that impacts the frequency and level of participation in microblogs community, and informational value is. the most important motivation that impacts the time of participation. Finally, the conclusions can provide a basis for further studies of the impacting path of members' motivations on their behaviors for participating in microblogs community and behaviors of participating under the context of social public events. At the practical level, the conclusions have some practical significances in operating and (or) managing microblogs community for microblogs service providers and relevant government departments.
作者 胡磊 高迎
出处 《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期797-804,共8页 Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis
基金 北京市教育委员会人文社会科学研究计划(SM201310038014) 北京市教育委员会青年拔尖人才培育计划(CIT&TCD201304132) 首都经济贸易大学校级科研项目(2013XJQ020) 北京市教委科研水平提高经费资助
关键词 微博社区 社区成员 参与动机 参与行为 microblogs community community members motivations for participating behaviors forparticipating
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