在新药研发过程中,约有40%的药物存在溶解性差的问题,限制了药物的开发与应用。纳米混悬剂是20世纪末发展起来的一种纳米药物传递系统,可增加难溶性药物的溶解度和溶出速率、改变药物的体内药物动力学特征、提高口服生物利用度、安全性和有效性。纳米混悬剂不但适用于水溶性差的药物,而且适用于水溶性、脂溶性均较差的药物,其制备方法主要包括"bottom up"和"top down"两种。本文从纳米混悬剂的特点、理论基础、专利技术及应用等方面对纳米混悬剂的研究进展进行了综述。纳米混悬剂对改善难溶性药物的溶出、吸收,提高难溶性药物的有效性、安全性等方面具有显著优势,且适合工业化生产,已有越来越多的产品问世。纳米混悬技术是未来药物传递系统的发展方向之一,将具有良好的应用前景。
In the development pipelines, about 40 % of the drugs are poorly soluble. Therefore, the application ot the drugs were limited in clinic. As a new nanoparticle drug delivery system, nanosuspension has been developed since the end of 20 th century. It could increase drug solubility, dissolution rate, oral bioavailability, the safety and efficacy of drugs. Nanosuspension not only can be used for water insoluble drugs, also for the drugs with poor solubility both in waters and organic solvents. Its preparation methods mainly include "bottom up" and "top down". The recent progress of nanosuspension drug delivery system was reviewed, in terms of the characteristics, basic theory, nanotechnology and applications in pharmaceutics. Nanosuspension has significant advantages, including increasing the dissolution and absorption, as well as improving the safety and the effectiveness of the poorly soluble drugs. More and more products come out. Nanosuspension drug delivery systems is one of the development directions in the future, and will have a promising application in clinic.
Progress in Modern Biomedicine