Researchers from the National Space Science Center(NSSC),Chinese Academy of Sciences have recently unraveled a super solar particle event around AD775,probably the strongest of its kind in the past11,400 years.The intensity of this event was about 4.5x1010 protons/cm2(more than 30 MeV),which is about two times higher than that of the 1859'Carrington Event’’–the largest solar event in the past 154 years leading to the failure of telegraph systems all over Europe and North America.In recent years,scientists from Japan,Europe and China reported a rapid radiocarbon 14C increase by 12‰in cedar/oak tree rings and coral rings around AD775.However,the origin of this rapid increase remains uncertain.
Researchers from the National Space Science Center (NSSC), Chinese Academy of Sciences have recently unraveled a super solar particle eventaround AD775, probably the strongest of its kind in the past 11,400 years.