目的了解泰安市梅毒流行状况及不同人群梅毒防治知识的知晓率现状,为制定梅毒防控措施提供依据。方法对泰安市2005-2012年梅毒疫情资料进行描述性分析;于2012年7月-10月泰安市居民、农村居民、流动人口、青年学生和暗娼、MSM六类人群分别采用分层整群抽样和方便抽样的方法开展梅毒防治知识知晓率问卷调查,将调查结果与疫情分析结果对照分析。结果 2005-2012年泰安市共报告梅毒病例1 437例,年平均报告发病率为3.18/10万,年均增长率为30.71%。自2009年梅毒报告发病率以来其快速上升。梅毒报告病例中农民逐年增多,但农村居民梅毒知晓率较低,为56.21%;15~19岁组梅毒病例中以学生为主,但在校学生梅毒知识知晓率仅59.74%。六类人群梅毒知识总体知晓率是58.62%,知晓率最高的是MSM,为78.26%;两两比较显示在校学生、暗娼和流动人口这些脆弱人群的梅毒知晓率与普通城乡居民并无不同。结论泰安市梅毒疫情近年出现快速上升趋势,而梅毒知识知晓率普遍较低,与之不相适应,梅毒防治形势严峻,应采取有针对性的防控措施。
Objective To understand the epidemic status of syphilis and the awareness of syphilis-related knowledge among different populations in Taian city,and to provide scientific basis for the control of syphilis. Methods The epidemiology of syphilis during the period of 2005- 2012 was analyzed. Six groups were surveyed on the awareness rate of knowledge by questionnaire from July to November 2012 in Taian. The city residents,rural residents,floating population,students were stratified,cluster sampled,and FSW,MSM were convenient sampled. We conducted the analysis between the epidemic results and the survey results. Results From 2005 to2012,a total of 1 437 cases of syphilis were reported with an average annual incidence rate of 3. 18 /100,000 and amplification was 30. 71% respectively. Since 2009,the incidence of syphilis increased significantly.Farmers were increasingly reported year by year to have syphilis,at the same time the syphilis awareness rate of rural residents was low. The age group of 15 ~ 19 syphilis cases was mainly students; however students’ syphilis awareness rate was only 59. 74%. The general awareness rate of syphilis knowledge was 58. 62%.The highest rate was 78. 26% among MSM. Statistical analysis showed that the awareness rate of the vulnerable populations as students,female sex workers and floating population have no difference with city and rural residents. Conclusion The epidemiology of syphilis in Taian shows a rapid rise from 2009,however the awareness rate of syphilis is generally low in different population. The targeted measures should be carried out to prevent and control syphilis.
The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology
Prevalence status