
进境意大利苹果苗上葡萄茎枯病菌的截获鉴定 被引量:12

Interception and identification of Phoma glomerata on apple(Mallus sp.) seedlings imported from Italy
摘要 葡萄茎枯病菌{Phoma glomerata(Corda)Wol—lenweber&Hochapfel]已被列入我国进境植物检疫性有害生物名录,是一种检疫性植物病原真菌。目前,该病菌分布于意大利、希腊、瑞典、印度、澳大利亚、以色列、秘鲁、匈牙利美国等国家。该病菌寄主范围广,可为害近百种植物,造成葡萄枯萎病、松树猝倒病、小麦叶斑病、苹果叶部和果实病害、番茄、马铃薯和柑桔腐烂等[1,2], The isolate ZM40-1 was isolated on Mallus sp. imported from Italy in Ningbo port traditional PDA method. The isolate grew well on three kind of medium, including PDA, MEA and OA, producing mostly little aerial mycelium and abunt pycnidia. The pycnidia were globose or subglobose, 36.4-191.8(87.2) μm in diameter and conidia were variable in shape, mostly ovoid-ellipsoidal, single cell, sometimes curved, 3.3-6.2(5.1)μm × 1.9-3.1 (2.7) μm in diameter and hyaline. Chlamydospores were mostly multicellular, solitary or in chains, brown and 18.0-48.0(35.2) μm×7.4-18.7(13.8) μm in size. To compare the isolate sequences (ITS, 28S, ACT and TUB) with the identity of respestive sequence of Phoma glomerata from NCBI GenBank databases by blastn method, the isolate DNA was amplified and sequenced by universal primers. Analysis of these sequences with the related sequences deposited in the NCBI database showed that these sequence had 100% identities, respectively. Pathogenicity tests showed that the isolate didn' t infect stem of MaUus sp.. However, the fruit and leaf were susceptible to P. glomerata. Based on morphological characteristics, molecular and pathogenicity test results, the isolate ZM40-1 was identified as Phoma glomerata (Corda) Wollenweber &Hochapfel. To our knowledge, this is the first report of interception and identification of P. glomerata in China.
出处 《植物病理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期542-545,共4页 Acta Phytopathologica Sinica
基金 国家科技支撑计划(2012BAK11B02) 国家质检总局科研项目(2014IK020) 浙江省博士后择优资助项目(BSH1402011) 宁波市社会发展科研项目(2012C50041) 宁波出入境检验疫局科研项目(甬K10-2013)
关键词 苹果苗 葡萄茎枯病菌 截获鉴定 鉴定方法 Phoma glomerata morphological characteristics molecular identifications pathogenicity detection
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