目的探讨子宫颈细胞学刮片检查在宫颈癌及癌前病变筛查中的应用价值。方法总结13 751例子宫颈刮片细胞检测和TBS分类结果,将阳性结果与子宫颈活检的病理诊断结果进行比较。结果 13 751例受检人员中不典型鳞状细胞及以上病例515例,阳性检出率为3.78%。其中,349例行子宫颈活检,CIN以上病变217例,占活检病例的62.18%。刮片检测与阴道镜下病理活检结果的符合率为79.50%。结论子宫颈刮片是一种简单、方便、有效的宫颈癌普查方法,便于基层医院和偏远地区使用。
Objective To evaluate cervical cytology smear in the screening of cervical cancer and precancerous lesions. Methods Analyzed the results of 13 751 cases of cervical smear cell detection by TBS classification, then compared the abnormal results with the pathological diagnosis of cervical biopsy. Results There were 515 positive in 13 751 cas-es. The positive rate was 3.78%. Among the 515 cases, 349 cases underwent cervical biopsy. There were 217 cases up-per than CIN, the positive rate was 62.18%. The coincidence rate was 79.50% between the cervical smear and cervical biopsy. Conclusion Cervical smear is a simple and effective method in screening of cervical cancer, it facilitates basic hospital in rural areas.
China Modern Doctor