The approach of the difference in availability between copper added as soluble salts and sewage sludge in the same soilswas used to study the ecological thresholds for copper in sewage sludge used for ag- ricultural soils. Firstly, the availability coefficients representing the difference in availability between copper added as soluble salts and sewage sludge in the same soils were compared, then the HC5 (protecting 95% of species in ecosystem) values of copper in soils amended with sewage sludge as well as a function of soilphysicochemical properties were established using the availability coefficient approach. Finally, the predicted values by the models with the corresponding values derived from current national control standards for cop- per in sludge from agricultural use were compared, and recommendations on copper criteria values were given. The results showed that the mobility of copper in sewage sludge accounts for about 40% of the one in solu- ble salts. Cation exchange capacity (CEC) was found to be the main factor controlling 84.6% variation of HC5 values in soils amended with sewage sludge, while soil pH and organic carbon content (OC) could explain the variation of HC5 values by 8.4% and 1.8%, respectively. When soil properties are available, using three factor model (soil pH, OC and CEC), the coefficient of determination (R2) reached up to 94.8%, which is able to pre- dict more accurately than two factor model (soil pH and CEC). In comparison with predicted values, both inad- equate and excessive protection problem might exist in current national control standards.
Asian Journal of Ecotoxicology