介绍了计算60 Co的γ射线物质吸收系数的方法.利用NaI(Tl)闪烁晶体探测器测量60 Co元素放射的1.17MeV和1.33MeV两种γ射线的初始强度比,通过数据拟合法和分别测量法测定了铅片对2种γ射线各自的吸收系数,并分别将2种测量单能射线吸收系数的方法得出的结果同标准吸收系数进行了比较,新的数据拟合法优于原来的分别测量法.
T his paper introduced a data-fitting method to determine the γ-ray absorption coeffi-cient of lead . NaI (Tl ) scintillator detector was used to measure the original intensity of 60 Co 1 .17 MeV and 1 .33 MeV γ-rays .The data-fitting method and the usual separate-measurement meth-od were used , respectively , to measure the absorption coefficients of lead to the 1 .17 MeV and 1 .33 MeV γ-rays .Compared to the standard absorption coefficients ,the results obtained by the data-fitting method absorption coefficient were better than that obtained by separate-measurement method .
Physics Experimentation