创新能力是衡量卫生技术干部开展工作成功与否的重要标准。本文认为卫生技术干部在创新意识养成过程中应注意几个问题 ,即自觉地将科研创新作为时代赋予的历史使命 ,在工作中不断通过知识更新寻求创新突破口 ,创新工作要以现实需求为牵引 ,加强团结协作能力 。
Innovation ability is the important criterion to evaluate the work of the medical technical cadres. Several factors were thought to affect the innovation consciousness, that is taking innovation of the science and technology as the historical mission, looking for the innovation breakthrough by the knowledge renewal, leading the innovation work by the actual need, improving the ability of the unity and cooperation, and improving the non intellect factors of the mental ability.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army