本文介绍了一种基于NAND的高速海量图像存储器的设计与实现。为完成某数字相机图像数据的实时存储任务,设计了采用"FPGA+ARM+FIFO组+NAND FLASH阵列"的结构模式的数据存储系统,最终实现存储速率200MB/S,存储容量64GB的高速海量实时图像数据存储器。
This paper introduces the design and realization of a high speed image storage based on NAND. To complete the mission of the real-time storage of image data of a camera,designs a storage system based on the structure of FPGA + ARM + FIFO + NAND FLASH Array,which can achieve a data rate2 of 200 MB /s and be equipped with a high speed image storage by 64 GB storage capacity.
Journal of Chengdu Aeronautic Polytechnic