博士后[德国]Max Planck Institute Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization opens apostdoctoral position for a postdoctoral researcher.An idealcandidate is a theoretical physicist and has excellent skills inadvanced computational techniques,is familiar with foundations ofstatistical physics and nonlinear dynamics theory,likes to workclosely with data,works independently,and has some experiencein supervising research projects that are of
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization opens a postdoctoral position for a postdoctoral researcher. An ideal candidate is a theoretical physicist and has excellent skills in advanced computational techniques, is familiar with foundations of statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics theory, likes to work closely with data, works independently, and has some experience in supervising research projects that are of cross-disciplinary character at the border of theoretical physics, applied mathematics and biology.
Science & Technology Review