
认知网络中一种基于频谱安全态势感知的路由方案 被引量:1

Spectrum Security Situational Awareness for Routing in Cognitive Radio Networks
摘要 从构建准确的频谱态势图,实现频率资源充分利用的角度出发,针对目前在构建频谱态势图时没有考虑恶意用户(Malicious User,MU)存在的情况,结合克里金(Kriging)插值法估计空域内频谱干扰态势,通过地理位置检测方案识别MU,从而构建更准确、更安全的频谱态势图,并将其用于端到端的路由协议中。仿真结果表明,该方案能构建完整的频谱态势图,平均误差仅为0.106 dBm,能准确识别恶意用户,识别率高于80%;并且通过识别MU,在基于频谱态势图的路由过程中,可以减少路由跳数,增加可用频谱空间。 This paper concerns the construction of accurate spectral situation map, which can help to a- chieve frequency resource reuse. The traditional methods of constructing spectrum space situation map do not take the influence of malicious users(MUs) into consideration, but the scheme proposed in this paper makes use of Kriging interpolation to estimate the interference situation over a finite geographical area, and identifies malicious user by location detection method, then constructs a more accurate and more secure spectrum situation map. Finally, the spectrum situation map is applied in the end-to-end route protocols. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can construct a complete spectrum situation map and the average error is only O. 106 dBm;it can accurately identify malicious users and the detection rate is higher than 80% ;it can reduce the routing hops and increase the available spectrum space in the process of routing based on spectrum situation map after identifying MUs.
出处 《电讯技术》 北大核心 2014年第9期1292-1297,共6页 Telecommunication Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61271260)~~
关键词 认知无线电 频谱态势感知 干扰态势 恶意用户 KRIGING插值 路由 cognitive radio spectrum situational awareness interference situation malicious users Kriging interpolation route
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