
认知无线网络中基于隐马尔可夫预测的P-CSMA协议 被引量:3

P-CSMA Protocol Based on Hidden Markov Prediction in Cognitive Radio Networks
摘要 针对非对称信息环境下的无线资源竞争问题,提出一种基于隐马尔可夫预测的P-CSMA协议,该协议中采用随着竞争信道的非授权用户数变化而改变的动态接入概率。非授权用户通过隐马尔可夫预测模型来判断博弈的对手是否参与信道竞争,提升了博弈的信息准确度,使得非授权用户能在非对称信息环境下选择最佳的接入概率以最大化自身效用。仿真表明,相比其他协议,基于隐马尔可夫预测的P-CSMA协议能够较好地提升系统的信道利用率。 To solve the wireless resource competition issues in an asymmetric information environment, a p-persistent CSMA protocol based on hid- den Markov prediction is proposed. In this protocol, the dynamic access probability which changed with the number of the non-authorized users in competitive channel is used. Non-authorized users judge whether the gamers participated in the channel competition through hidden Markov prediction model (HMPM) , consequently, the accuracy of the game information is improved and the non-authorized users can select the best access probability in the asymmetric information environment to maximize their own utility. The simulation results show that, compared with other protocols, the P-CS- MA protocol based on hidden Markov prediction can improve the better channel utilization of the system.
出处 《电视技术》 北大核心 2014年第19期80-84,共5页 Video Engineering
关键词 非合作博弈 非对称信息 隐马尔可夫 P—CSMA noncooperative game asymmetric information hidden Markov P-CSMA
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