

Resistance selection of blind sensitive element in PC PbS IRFPA detector fabrication
摘要 负载电阻分流方式通常用于消除光导PbS探测器的背景电流,其中各探测单元光敏元电阻与相对应负载的阻值可以相等,也可以成一固定比例。为研究不同负载电阻均可应用于光导PbS焦平面探测器,采用尺寸同为100μm×100μm的光敏元、分别为100μm×100μm和200μm×50μm的负载研制了线列1×128光导PbS红外焦平面探测器。利用红外焦平面测试系统对不同负载电阻制备的器件性能进行了测试与分析。研究表明,采用不同负载电阻均获得了性能正常的器件;在相同的光敏元工作参数下,器件的平均黑体响应率、平均黑体探测率基本一致,负载对其均无影响。研究结果验证了仅通过调节负载电阻即可使器件背景输出电平平坦化的可行性。 Resistance selection of blind element used in linear photoconductive (PC) PbS detector for counteracting background current was analyzed. It was found that the blind element resistance can be chosen to be same as, or to be a fixed ratio to that of relevant sensitive element. And the ratio should be equal with ratio of biases applied to blind element and relevant detector. Two linear PC 1 ×128 PbS infrared focal plane array (IRFPA) detectors, with sensitive element size of 100μm ×100μm, and blind element size of 100μm ×100μm and 200μm ×50μm, were fabricated and their performance were tested by IRFPA test system. Results show that when the working condition satisfied average responsivity and average detectivety are same for using different blind elements. Results validate the feasibility that background output uniformity improvement of IRFPAs by tuning the resistance of blind element.
出处 《红外与激光工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第9期2793-2797,共5页 Infrared and Laser Engineering
基金 航空科学基金(2007ZC12003)
关键词 负载电阻分流方式 焦平面 光导 硫化铅 resistance selection of blind sensitive element focal plane array photoconductive PbS
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