‘东方107’是以辣椒雄性不育系‘A-617’为母本、恢复系‘C-37-4’为父本选育的极辣型辣椒新品种。该品种中晚熟,植株高度约65cm,开展度约58cm,始花节位13-14节,嫩果绿色,成熟果红色鲜艳,果实羊角形,果长度约16.2 cm,果肩宽度1.6cm,平均单果质量17g,平均667 m^2产量3963.6 kg。辣味极强。田间表现较抗病,耐高温高湿,适合在云南、四川、湖南等国内省市及印度、巴基斯坦、孟加拉等东盟和南亚国家种植。
‘East 107’is a new hot pepper variety bred by crossing of male sterile line‘A-617’and male sterility restoring line‘C-37-4’. It’s a mid-late maturity variety. The plant height is about 65 cm,and the width is about 58 cm. The first flower occurs at 13-14th node.The fruit is about 16.2 cm in length and 1.6 cm in width,with average fruit weight 17g . The fruit is very hot. The plant is resistant to disease and tolerant to high temperature and humidity. The 667 m2 yield is about 3 963.6 kg. This variety is suitable for cultivating in ASEAN and south Asian countries.
China Cucurbits And Vegetables