为了探明不同氮肥施用量对青花菜氮肥利用率、氮素含量和产量的影响,试验设置5个水平,分别为667 m2施0、5、10、20、30 kg,利用相关性分析及回归方程了解氮肥对青花菜的影响。结果表明,氮肥施用量与氮肥利用率间呈显著负相关,与花球中氮素含量呈极显著正相关。青花菜的氮肥效应方程为:Y=-0.829 5X2+33.17 1X+543.55,在其他条件相同的情况下,667 m2氮肥施用量为19.46 kg,青花菜达到最大收益。
In order to determine the effects of different nitrogen fertilizer rates on broccoli NUE,nitrogen contents and yields,the experiment was conducted at 5 different application levels 0 kg per 667 m2,5 kg per 667 m2,10 kg per 667 m2,20 kg per 667 m2 and 30 kg per 667 m2. We used correlation analysis and regression equations to understand the impact of nitro-gen on the broccoli. The results showed that the correlation between amounts of nitrogen fertilizer with NUE was significant-ly negative. There was a significant positive correlation with the amount of nitrogen fertilizer and plant nitrogen content. The nitrogen effect equation of broccoli is:Y=0.829 5X2+33.171X+543.55,It can achieve the maximum benefit when the ni-trogen fertilizer amount was 19.46 kg per 667 m2 under the same conditions.
China Cucurbits And Vegetables