Forty cases of male 5feast cancer were collected, which accounted for sixty-two per cent of all registered cases of 8 urban districts in Shanghai since 1960's. Each case was randomly matched with one or two nearest neighbour controls. The Cases and their fifty controls were inquired at their homes. and twenty-five cases were still alive then. Their birth date, education, marriage status, average income, occupation, living condition, hobby, dietary habits, exposure to x-ray and other chemical substances and their own and family medical history were reported. Mantel-Haenszle chi-square test, monovariable analysis were done by using unconditional Logistic regression. Then, fourteen variables were included in the multivariable Logistic regression model. The results showed that dietary habits was still the main risk factor of developing male breast cancer, especially the over intake of meat(OR=6.12, F=0.007). Fruits (OR=4.36, P=0.012) and vegetable oil(OR=5.86, P=0.005) intake had preventive effects from developing that cancer. The association between history of suffering from tuberculosis (OR=8.58, P=0.047) and this cancer was proved in this study.
Male breast cancer Case-control study Risk factors