
文化“他者”翻译的权力政治研究 被引量:3

On Power Politics of Translating Cultural “Other”
摘要 受福柯后现代权力观的启发,翻译的政治可分为翻译的权力政治与翻译的抵抗政治。翻译场作为自我与他者接触的公共空间,跨文化行为受权力差异结构的影响。强势自我往往在与他者关联和对立的过程中通过控制翻译方向性、文化审查、归化文化"他者"和对"他者"进行"他者化"表征等机制行使权力政治,以此建构、巩固预设的权力结构关系,并以"他者"为镜建构身份认同。 Enlightened by Foucault' s view of power, there are two forms of politics, namely, the power politics of translation and the resistance politics of translation. Translation field acts as a public space for Self and Other and the different cross-cul- tural behavior will be affected by the structure of power differentials. Strong Self exercises power on weak Other through the following mechanisms: controlling directionality of translation, exercising cultural censorship, domesticating cultural other and representing an othering-oriented cultural Other. Such efforts, on one hand, are aimed to construct and reinforce a presupposed structural power relation, and on the other hand to construct cultural identity with Other as a mirror.
作者 周宣丰
出处 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期100-103,共4页 Foreign Language Education
基金 广东省高等学校"千百十工程"科研项目"梁启超翻译的文化民族主义内涵意义研究"(项目编号:30413006) 博士科研启动项目"晚清翻译与民族文化身份的想象与塑造"(项目编号:2013skqd02)的部分成果
关键词 文化“他者” 翻译 权力政治 运作机制 cultural Other translation power politics mechanism
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