
荒山造林生态恢复项目环境效益非市场价值评估研究——长江上游四川平原案例 被引量:2

Study on the Non-market Values of the Environmental Benefits of the Ecological Restoration Program——A Case Study of the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River and Sichuan Plain
摘要 中国政府在长江上游实施的生态恢复项目提供了一系列环境商品和服务,例如减少水蚀、空气净化、生物多样性保护。文章采用选择模型(Choice Modeling)技术评估了四川省生态恢复项目在成都和上海两地产生的环境效益非市场价值,环境属性的隐含价格则采用MNL以及RPL模型进行了估算。结果表明,两城市样本对于来自生态恢复项目的环境服务均有支付意愿,环境效益在两地隐含价格之间没有显著差异。基于RPL模型,对于此项目的环境改善,成都每个受访者的平均支付意愿是人民币1062.55元,上海是人民币962.72元。两地城市居民的支付意愿之间没有显著差异。 The Ecological Restoration Program undertaken by the Chinese Government in the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River provides an array of environmental goods ~md services such as reduced water-induced soil ero- sion, air purification and biodiversity conservation. The non-market Values of the environmental benefits derived from the ecological restoration program in Sichuan Province were estimated using the choice modeling (CM) ap- proach both on-site in Chengdu and off-site in Shanghai. Separate choice models were estimated for the two sites and the results compared. No significant differences were found between the implicit price estimates derived from the multinomial Logit model. (MNL) and the random parameter Logit (RPL) models for the environmental attributes. Results show that the sampled urban population both on-site and off-site are willing to pay for the environmental services provided by the ecological restoration program. Based on the results from the RPL models, the average willingness to pay per respondent household in Chengdu was CNY1062.55 each year for the environmental im- provements provided by the Program, a payment level not significantly different from the comparable estimates of CNY962.72 in Shanghai.
出处 《林业经济》 北大核心 2014年第10期71-77,共7页 Forestry Economics
关键词 生态恢复 支付意愿 环境价值 选择模型 ecological restoration willingness to pay environmental value choice modeling
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