
美国博士生流失问题的若干理论分析 被引量:2

Several Theoretical Analysis on American Doctoral Attrition
摘要 博士生流失问题是美国博士教育研究领域的热点之一。梳理相关研究的理论基础发现,美国博士生流失问题研究借鉴了心理学的归因理论、社会学的整合理论与组织社会化理论以及社会心理学的组织角色理论等不同学科的理论资源,从不同视角对博士生流失问题展开了理论分析。解释和分析相关研究结果,可以为我国博士教育研究的相关问题提供借鉴。 Doctoral attrition is one of the hot topic in the American doctoral education research area. Comb the theoretical basis of relevant research, we found that in order to guide their studies, researchers have referenced several theoretical resources to explain the problem of American doctoral attrition, such as the attribution theory from psychology, the integration theory and the organizational socialization theory from sociology, and the role theory from social psychology, etc. It is instructive for doctoral education studies in China to explain and analyze the related research results.
作者 牛梦虎 徐永
出处 《中国高教研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第11期59-63,共5页 China Higher Education Research
关键词 博士生流失 归因理论 整合理论 组织社会化理论 角色理论 American doctoral student attrition Attribution Theory Integration Theory Organizational Socialization Theory Role Theory
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