
骨肿瘤边界研究病理标本的管理 被引量:1

Management of pathological specimens for the bone tumor boundary study
摘要 目的总结骨肿瘤边界研究病理标本管理的经验,为骨肿瘤边界研究病理标本的管理提供参考。方法 2012年至2014年,我院对骨肿瘤边界研究病理标本从留取、处理及交接环节进行重点管理。留取环节注重标本袋的选择,采用不同体积多份病理的留取方法;处理环节关注安全性,即人员安全、标本安全、环境安全;交接环节采用双人以上核对、签字。筛选2012年至2014年标本800例为改进组,2000年至2011年标本800例为对照组,比较两组的错误发生率。结果通过改进管理环节,改进组仅7例发生错误,错误发生率0.875%;而对照组出现错误的有67例,错误发生率8.375%,且两组错误发生率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。尤其在标本信息不全不准确、标本浸泡液体量不足、标本袋选择不匹配、标本袋封装不严这4个方面的改善相当明显(P<0.05)。结论对骨肿瘤边界研究病理标本的管理,尤其是对病理量大、参与人员多、处理周期长的标本应规范制度、严控操作、各环节面对面2人以上核对病理标本信息、确认签字,才能减少单人操作可能发生的失误、避免发生错误、提高标本管理的准确性。 Objective To summarize the experience in the management of pathological specimens for the bone tumor boundary study, and to provide references for the management of pathological specimens for the bone tumor boundary study.Methods From 2012 to 2014, the procedures of collecting, processing and transferring pathological specimens for the bone tumor boundary study were focused on. In the collecting step, great attention was pained to the choice of spicemen bags, and a method of multiple copies of different volumes of pathological specimens was adopted. In the processing step, security was concerned, including personnel security, specimen security and environmental security. At least 2 staff members were requested to check and sign in the transferring step. A total of 800 specimens collected from 2012 to 2014 were selected as the improved group, and 800 specimens from 2000 to 2011 as the control group. And the error rate was compared between the 2 groups.Results Errors were detected in 7 cases in the improved group, and the error rate was 0.875%. While errors were noticed in 67 cases in the control group, and the error rate was 8.375%. The differences in the error rate were statistically significant between the 2 groups (P〈0.05 ). Obvious improvement was achieved, especially in the incomplete and inaccurate specimen information, insufifcient amount of liquid specimens immersed in, mismatched specimen bags and specimen bags not strickly packaged (P〈0.05 ).Conclusions In the management of pathological specimens for the bone tumor boundary study, especially in the management of a large number of pathological specimens with a lot of staff members involved and a long processing cycle, the rules should be strictly followed and controlled. In each step, at least 2 staff members should face to face check the specimen information and then sign, so as to reduce the errors because of the operation performed by a singel man, avoid mistakes and improve the accuracy in the management of specimens.
出处 《中国骨与关节杂志》 CAS 2014年第9期680-684,共5页 Chinese Journal of Bone and Joint
关键词 骨肿瘤 标本 病理学 外科 管理 Bone neoplasms Superifciality & origin Pathology,surgical Manage
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