目的 了解浙江丽水市男性肛门生殖器疣患者感染人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)基因型的分布状况.方法 PCR-反向斑点杂交技术对150例男性肛门生殖器疣患者标本进行HPV基因分型,包括3种低危型HPV-6、11、43和16种中高危型HPV-16、18、31、33、35、39、45、51、52、53、56、58、59、66、68、CP8304.结果 150例男性肛门生殖器疣患者中91例(60.67%)检出HPV,其中有74例(81.32%)为低危型HPV-6、11、43的单一或多重感染,另有17例(18.68%)为中高危型的单一或多重感染.31例(34.07%)为多重感染(包括2~5种基因型混合感染),其中低危型合并中高危型的多重感染20例占64.52%,低危型之间的二重感染6例占19.35%;HPV-6、11合并中高危型感染分别为13例(41.94%)和6例(19.35%).各HPV基因型感染136例,感染率从高到低依次为:HPV-6(39例,28.68%)、11(36例,26.47%)、16(11例,8.09%)、52(7例,5.15%)、53(7例,5.15%)、51(6例,4.41%)、58(6例,4.41%)和43(6例,4.41%).结论 男性生殖器疣患者HPV基因型感染中,低危型HPV感染占绝对优势,多重感染及各基因型的分布状况差异较大.
Objective To investigate the distribution of human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes in male patients with anogenital warts in Lishui area,Zhejiang province.Methods Tissue specimens were obtained from the lesions of 150 male patients with anogenital warts.PCR-reverse dot blot hybridization was performed to detect the presence of 3 low-risk HPV types (HPV 6,11,and 43) and 16 moderate-or high-risk HPV types (HPV 16,18,31,33,35,39,45,51,52,53,56,58,59,66,68 and CP8304) in these specimens.Chi-square test was used for statistical analysis.Results HPV was detected in 91 (60.67%) of the 150 male patients.Of the 91 positive patients,74 (81.32%) were infected by single or multiple low-risk HPV types,whereas 17 (18.68%) by single or multiple high-risk HPV types.Thirty-one (34.07%) patients harbored 2-5 HPV genotypes,including 20 (64.52%)patients infected with both low-risk and high-risk HPV types,and 6 (19.35%) patients infected with two low-risk HPV types.The coexistence of moderate-or high-risk HPV types with HPV 6 was observed in 13 (41.94%)patients,and that with HPV 11 in 6 (19.35%) patients.The most prevalent genotype was HPV 6 (28.68%,39/136),followed by HPV 11 (26.47%,36/136),16 (8.09%,11/136),52 (5.15%,7/136),53 (5.15%,7/136),51 (4.41%,6/136),58 (4.41%,6/136) and 43 (4.41%,6/136).Conclusions Low-risk HPV genotypes predominate in male patients with anogenital warts,and there are large differences in the distribution of multiple infections and HPV genotypes.
Chinese Journal of Dermatology