
西方冲突化解研究的三种范式及其发展趋势 被引量:8

The Three Paradigms of the Western Conflict Resolution Research and their Development Trend
摘要 西方冲突化解研究存在三种基本范式,即主观范式、客观范式和结构范式。各范式所基于的理论背景各有不同,专注的冲突化解方法也各有侧重。主观范式主要受到心理学和解释学研究的影响,集中研究有控制沟通和问题解决方法;客观范式主要受到博弈论和劳资关系研究的影响,特别关注谈判、调解和仲裁方法;结构范式主要受到结构主义、后现代主义和话语分析的影响,特别强调冲突转化和话语转化方法。三种范式在各自的发展中相互竞争又相互促进,构成了西方冲突化解研究的生动格局。 There are three basic paradigms in the western conflict resolution studies, namely, subjective paradigm, objective paradigm and structure paradigm. Every paradigm based on the theoretical background is different, the focus of every conflict resolution method is also different. Subjective paradigm mainly influenced by psychology and hermeneutic research, which focuses on controlled communication and problem solving approach~ Objective paradigm mainly affected by the game theory and industrial relations research, which pays special attention to negotiation, mediation and arbi- tration; Structure paradigm mainly impacted by structuralism, postmodernism and the discourse analysis, which par- ticularly lays emphasis on conflict transformation and discourse transformation method. The three paradigms criticize and influence each other in its development, which constitutes the vivid pattern of the western conflict resolution research.
作者 常健 原珂
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第11期115-119,126,共6页 Chinese Public Administration
基金 国家社科规划重点项目"公共领域冲突管理体制研究"(编号:13AGL005)
关键词 冲突化解 研究范式 冲突转化 conflict resolution research paradigm conflict transform
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