
新媒体环境下的受众研究范式转换与创新 被引量:23

Audience Research Paradigm Transformation and Innovation in the New Media Environment
摘要 近年来,随着新媒体技术的发展,受众处于一个新旧媒体融合的传播环境当中,受众的心理和行为方式也随之发生了改变,在这些新的变化中,传统的受众研究范式也将面临新的转换与更新。本文将根据范式的三个层面:本体论、方法论和认识论对新媒体环境下受众研究的范式转换进行探究,首先分析了传统受众研究范式的几种类型以及局限性,然后重点分析新媒体环境下的两种受众研究范式,探究其在新媒体环境下的应用指导意义和理论价值,最后针对新媒体环境下的受众研究范式创新提出一些方法和技巧上的创新途径。 In recent years, with the development of new media technology, the audience is in the new environment of the media integration. The psychology and behavior of the audience have changed. In these new changes, the traditional audience research paradigm faces transformation and innovation. The article explores the audience research paradigm transformation and innovation in the new media environment according to the three aspects of paradigm: ontology, methodology and epistemology. First of all, the article analyzes the several types and limitations of the traditional audience research paradigm, and then focuses on analysis of the new media environment of two kinds of audience research paradigm, explore its application and theory values in new media environment. Finally, bases on the new media environment of audience research paradigm innovation, the article will propose some methods and skills in creative ways.
作者 幸小利
出处 《国际新闻界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第9期122-134,共13页 Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication
关键词 范式 受众研究 新媒体 paradigm, audience research, new media
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