
乌拉圭巴特列-奥多涅斯的改革及其原因探析 被引量:1

A Study on Batlle Y Ordóez's Reform and Its Reasons
摘要 20世纪初乌拉圭在巴特列-奥多涅斯总统的领导下进行了一场领先于整个拉美地区的改革,改革涉及经济、社会、政治等多个方面,体现了经济民族主义、社会福利和政治民主的原则。改革调整了市场、社会与国家之间的关系,奠定了乌拉圭现代国家的基础,使乌拉圭成为拉美的模范国家。乌拉圭之所以能够率先进行这样一场改革,是由于乌拉圭的历史特性与巴特列总统个人作用的结合,前者包括乌拉圭弱势的殖民地遗产、民众对两党长期争斗导致的政治暴力的厌倦、19世纪70年代之后国际经济体系的形成对乌拉圭政治稳定的要求,乌拉圭早期工业化和城市化的发展带来的新阶级的成长和工人运动的开展等。后者包括巴特列特殊的经历、成熟的思想和超凡的领导能力。是客观因素与主观因素的有效结合导致乌拉圭率先发生了这场较为成功的改革。 At the beginning of the 20th century Uruguay began a reform under the leadership of Batlle Y Ordonez, ahead of other Latin American countries, from the political to the economic sphere, and social fields, which reflects the economic nationalism, social welfare and political democracy principle and helps to adjust the relationship among market, society and the government, all these factors played an important role in laying the foundation for modern Uruguay. The reason why Uruguay was the first country of Latin America to undertake such a reform is due to the combination of the historical characteristics of Uruguay and Batlle's role, the former includes the vulnerable colonial political heritage of Uruguay, the antipathy of people towards the long - term partisan struggle, the requirements of social stability in the process of the formation of the interna- tional economic system after 1870s, the growth of a new class and the development of the worker's movement resulting from the early industrialization and urbanization of Uruguay; the latter includes Batlle's special experience, mature thought and charismatic leadership.
作者 韩琦 苏婧
出处 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期93-102,共10页 Collected Papers of History Studies
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大课题“拉丁美洲的民族主义与现代化”(JJD770012)的阶段性成果
关键词 乌拉圭 巴特列-奥多涅斯 经济民族主义 社会福利 集体执政 Uruguay Batlle Y Ordonez economic nationalism social welfare colegiado
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  • 2苏振兴.《巴特列》,朱庭光主编.《外国历史名人传,现代部分》(上),中国社会科学出版社1984年版.
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  • 4Benjamfn Nahum, La Epoca BatUista, Montevideo: Ediciones de la Banda Oriental, 1975.
  • 5Milton I. Vanger, Jose Batlle y Ordonez of Uruguay: The Creator of His Times, 1902--1907, Cambrigde: Harvard University Press, 1963.
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  • 10Goran G. Lindah, Uruguay's New Path: A Study in Politics During the First Colegiado, 1919 -33, p. 22.











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