
内收型镍钛合金覆膜支架治疗良性气道狭窄临床安全性评估 被引量:2

Clinical evaluation on safety of stenting implantment in treatment of benign tracheobronchial stenosis with adductive covered-nitinol stent
摘要 目的探讨内收型镍钛合金覆膜支架对支架置入后气道肉芽组织增生的影响及其临床应用价值。方法普通镍钛合金覆膜支架组28例,内收型镍钛合金覆膜支架组32例,分别于气管支架放置后2、4及8周行气管镜检查,记录同时期气管内肉芽肿发生情况及程度。结果两组患者均有不同程度的肉芽组织增生,内收型镍钛合金覆膜支架组肉芽增生程度低于普通型镍钛合金覆膜支架组。结论内收型镍钛合金覆膜支架较普通支架能明显减少支架两端肉芽增生,且无特殊副作用,在良性气道狭窄的介入治疗中有良好临床应用前景。 [ Objective ] To evaluate the effect of adductive covered-nitinol stent on trachea granulation tissue hyperplasia and identify its value in the treatment of benign tracheobronchial stenosis. [Methods] 28 cases were treated with ecumenic eovered-Nitinol stent, while other 32 cases treated with adductive eovered-nitinol stent. At the weeks 2, 4 and 8 after stenting, bronchoscope were performed and the occmxence and extent of granulation tissue hyperplasia were recorded. [ Results ] Varying degrees of granulation tissue hyperplasia were all observed in two groups. The occurrence of granuloma in adductive covered-nitinol stent group was far less than ecumenic coverednitinol stent group. [ Conclusion ] Adductive eovered-nitinol stent can significantly reduce the granulation tissue hyperplasia associated with stent insertion without any special side effect. The adductive covered-nitinol stent is adaptive for the treatment of benign tracheobronehial stenosis.
出处 《中国内镜杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第9期943-946,共4页 China Journal of Endoscopy
关键词 支架 肉芽肿 气管狭窄 介入治疗 stent granulation tissue trachea stenosis interventional therapy
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