
国外图书馆联盟中的读者决策采购及对我国的启示 被引量:11

Patron Driven Acquisitions in Foreign Library Consortia and Its Enlightenments to China
摘要 加拿大安大略湖大学图书馆联盟与美国奥比斯图书馆联盟是最早在联盟内部开展读者决策采购(PDA)项目的大型图书馆联盟,两者在触发机制、购买模式、经费筹集等方面各有异同,可为其他图书馆联盟实施PDA项目提供经验与借鉴。图书馆联盟中的PDA项目面临着出版社态度消极、缺乏统一的自动化管理系统的困难。因此在开展PDA项目时,图书馆联盟需要发挥核心成员馆的作用,协调好联盟内、外部关系,进行充分的前期准备与完善的项目评估,并采用小规模试点的方式来积累项目经验。 Ontario Council of University Libraries in Canada and Orbis Cascade Alliance in America are large library consortia which first develop Patron Driven Acquisition(PDA) project in consortia.They have some similarities and differences in the trigger mechanism, the purchasing mode, the fund raising,and so on.They could provide some experience and reference for other library consortia. The PDA project in library consortia is faced with many obstacles, such as the passive attitude of publishers and the lack of the unified automation managment system. Therefore,When carrying out the PDA project, library consortia should give full play to the role of the core library, coordinate the internal and external relationships of the consortium, make the full prophase preparation and the perfect project evaluation, and adopt the way of the small scale pilot to accumulate the project experience.
作者 张丹 鄢朝晖
出处 《图书馆建设》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第10期20-23,共4页 Library Development
基金 湖南省哲学社会科学基金项目"高校图书馆与公共图书馆合作开展公共文献服务的实践问题研究"的成果之一 项目编号:12YBA22
关键词 读者决策采购 图书馆联盟 馆藏建设 Patron Driven Acquisitions(PDA) Library consortium Collection development
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