

Computational Experiment on Adaptability of Innovative Organization based on NK Model
摘要 基于Kauffman提出的NK模型,借助其核心思想——系统内部要素间的相互作用对系统的整体适应性存在直接影响,从计算组织理论视角,对创新组织的适应性进行了模拟实验研究。发现创新组织的个别创新活动与其相关的若干活动共同交互作用,对组织的整体创新适应性做出贡献,共同交互的活动数恰当(K=6)时贡献最大。同时,创新组织的整体适应性需要随着内部活动和外部环境的变化进行适应性的调整,创新组织适应性行为最强时,需要几个关键活动(K=6)有效的交互作用。总之,适应性造就了组织创新活动的复杂性。 A simulation experiment research is made on the adaptability of innovative organization from computational organization theory, based on Kauffman NK model with its core idea - the interaction among the elements within the system have a direct impact on overall adaptability of the system. It is found that innovative individual activities associated with other activities are interacting together, which jointly contribute to the organization's overall innovation adaptability. The contribution is the biggest when the number of common interactive activities is appropriate (k =6). Meanwhile, it is necessary that innovative organization's overall performance needs adapt to the internal activities and changes of the external environment. The strongest adaptive behavior of innovative organizational need a few key activities (k = 6) interact effectively. In short, it is adaptability that caused the complexity of the innovation activities of the organization.
作者 郑毅 张雪微
出处 《科技与经济》 2014年第5期25-29,共5页 Science & Technology and Economy
基金 国家自然科学基金项目--"虚拟企业协同设计成本控制研究"(项目编号:70702021 项目负责人:郑毅) 国家自然科学基金项目--"公司治理与管理控制的交互作用及影响机制研究"(项目编号:71072095 项目负责人:程新生)成果之一
关键词 创新组织 适应性 NK模型 基于agent建模与模拟 计算实验 innovative organization adaptability NK model agent-based modeling and simulation computational experiment
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