
江淮城市群就业结构变迁条件下的产业趋同效应 被引量:1

Industrial Convergence of City Group at Yangze River and Huai River Under Employment Structure Change Conditions
摘要 从上世纪起就业结构的变迁成为研究趋同性的切入点之一。以江淮城市群为研究对象,就宏观层面通过变异系数等指标对城市群三个产业的就业结构进行分解,得出二、三产业发达的城市对城市群趋同的作用力更大;同时利用变系数面板数据模型分析,得出产业就业结构的变迁在地区趋同性中发挥可观的作用,结构比例的差异导致对地区趋同效应的贡献度的差异。与单纯说明趋同程度强弱相比,更侧重于说明城市群内部各个城市本身实力在改变劳动生产率的同时所辐射出的对地区趋同程度影响力。 Since the last century, the change of employment structure has become one of the breakthrough point. Starting from the city group at Yangze river and Huai river, by decomposing the employment structure of the city group of three industries through the index variation coefficient at the macro level, the second or third industry has more power to force convergence of city group ; by using the variable coefficient panel data model analysis, the change of employment structure of industry tends to play significant role in the area, the difference of structure ratio leads to differences in regional convergence effect contribution. Compare with the previous research which simply showed convergence degree, this findings explain more about that not only does the strength of each city in city group changes labor productivity, but also influences regional convergence degree.
出处 《科技与经济》 2014年第5期95-99,共5页 Science & Technology and Economy
基金 上海市研究生创新基金项目--"江淮城市群就业结构变迁条件下的产业趋同效应"(项目编号:JWCXSL1302 项目负责人:徐东)成果之一
关键词 就业结构 劳动生产率 趋同性 employment structure labor productivity convergence
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