

Action Theory Based on Dynamic Linear Temporal Description Logic
摘要 动态时序描述逻辑(DLTLDL)是一类描述逻辑的动态时序扩展。提出一种基于DLTLALCIO的动态域建模方法,利用该方法可构造出刻画动态域知识的DLTLALCIO理论,并解决动作推理中的框架问题和分支问题。动作推理问题,如动作可执行性和投影问题等,可归结为关于DLTLALCIO理论的推理问题,并最终归结为DLTLALCIO的公式可满足性问题。DLTLALCIO公式可表达动作和时间约束,相对于其他基于描述逻辑的动作形式,基于DLTLALCIO的动作形式在需要执行复杂查询,尤其是含时间或动作的查询的应用场合具有更好的适用性。 Dynamic linear temporal description logics (DLTLDLs) are a family of dynamic and temporal extensions of description logics. Based on DLTLALCIO, a method for modeling dynamic domains was presented. By application of the modeling method, a DLTLALCIO theory for describing a giving domain can be constructed, and frame problem and ramification problem can be solved. Action reasoning problems, such as executability problem and projection problem, can be reduced to reasoning problems in the DLTLALCIO theory, and can eventually be reduced to the satisfiablity problem of DLTLALCIO formulas. Since constraints with action and time can be expressed with DLTLALCIO formulas, so compared with the other action formalisms based on description logics, the action formalism based on DLTLALCIO is more applicable in the case of complex queries, especially queries containing time or action, to be executed.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第9期210-214,238,共6页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61272059) 教育部基地重大项目(11JJD7200020)资助
关键词 动态时序描述逻辑 动作推理 动态域 动作理论 Dynamic linear temporal description logic Reasoning about action Dynamic domain Action theory
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