
Scudware Mobile:支持可穿戴设备间数据及服务协同的移动中间件 被引量:2

Scudware Mobile:Mobile Middleware for Collaboration of Data and Services between Wearable Devices
摘要 随着计算泛在化日益深入,软硬件一体化成为个人电子消费领域的重要趋势,可穿戴设备正成为目前学术界与工业界的研究热点。这些设备虽然具有一定的传感、计算和服务能力,但其接口各异且设备间的协同能力很弱。这就一方面造成了计算和感知能力的浪费,另一方面也无法提供丰富的服务。针对此问题,提出一个支持可穿戴设备间数据及服务协同的移动中间件——Scudware Mobile。Scudware Mobile汇聚了可穿戴设备的数据和服务,并以统一的接口提供给应用层,且引入了设备协同机制。在Scudware Mobile上,实现了两个应用:个人数据门户和shaking ecard。 With the developing of ubiquitous computing, the integration of software and hardware has become an important trend of personal consumer electronics field, and wearable devices are becoming the current research hotspot of academic and industry. Most of these devices have certain capabilities of sensing, computing and service. But now interface of wearable devices is different from each other, and the capability of collaboration is weak, which causes the waste of sensing and computing capabilities, also can not provide rich services. To solve this problem, this paper proposed a mobile middleware for collaboration of data and services between wearable devices-Scudware Mobile. Scudware Mobile aggregates data and services of wearable devices, and provides a unified interface of accessing to the application layer. Also we introduced collaboration mechanism into Scudware Mobile. Using Scudware Mobile, we implemented two applications:portal of personal data and shaking e-card.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第10期57-61,共5页 Computer Science
基金 国家支撑计划(2012BAH94F03)资助
关键词 Scudware MOBILE 数据及服务协同 可穿戴设备 智能手机 Scudware mobile, Collaboration of data and services, Wearable device, Smart mobile
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