采用GC-MS研究了PE食品塑料包装袋中DEHP向高温油炸油条的迁移行为。随样品与PE食品塑料包装袋初始接触温度的升高,样品中DEHP的迁移量增加;当初始温度为200℃时,放置60 min后,样品中DEHP的迁移量为2.80 mg/kg。在相同温度条件下,随储藏时间的延长,样品中DEHP迁移量逐渐增大,25℃条件下贮藏48 h样品中DEHP迁移量为2.89 mg/kg;4℃条件下储藏48 h样品中DEHP迁移量为1.17 mg/kg。在相同储藏时间条件下,采用低温储藏能减少样品中DEHP迁移量。油条与包装材料初始接触温度、包装后的储藏时间及储藏温度均对影响样品中DEHP的迁移量。
The migration of diethylhexyl phthalate(DEHP) in PE plastic packaging bag applied in fried bread stick packaging were investigated with GC-MS. The amount of migration of DEHP increased with the initial package temperature increasing. The amounts of migration of DEHP were 2.80 mg/kg in fritter samples which were packaged at 200 ℃ and then stored at room temperature for 60 min. The amount of migration of DEHP increased with the storage time prolonging after samples were stored at the same temperature. The amounts of migration of DEHP in samples which were packaged at 200 ℃ and then stored at 25 ℃ and 4 ℃ for 48 h were 2.89 mg/kg and 1.17 mg/kg, respectively. The amounts of migration of DEHP in the samples were decreased which were stored at lower temperature. The amounts of migration of DEHP in the samples were affected by the initial package temperature, storage time and storage temperature.
The Food Industry