

Translation and Commentary of the Provisions Concerning Jury in Lex Acilia Repetundarum
摘要 公元前123年或前122年罗马保民官曼尼乌斯阿基利乌斯颁布了《关于搜刮钱财罪的阿基利乌斯法》,是为格拉古立法的一部分。该法律旨在规范搜刮钱财案件的审判程序,对原告、被告、大法官、陪审员以及财务官等人员的行为进行了较为严格的规定,并且以骑士取代元老院成员在陪审团中的作用。该法律是研究共和国中后期罗马法发展以及政治变迁的重要原始资料。本文在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,对该铭文进行迻译并注释,旨在提供一个较为可靠的中文文本。 123 or 122 BC, Manius Acilius, a Roman plebeian tribune promulgated Lex Acilia Repetundarum, which was part of Gracchus legislation. It is aimed at standardizing the proceedings concerning provincial extortion, regulating the behavior of the plaintiff, the defendant, the praetor, the juror and the quaestor in such cases and substituting knights for senators in the juries. It is an important primary source for the study of the development of Roman laws and the political transitions in the middle and late republic. Since discovered, the inscription has been intensively studied in foreign academic circles. This translation and commentary provides a newer and more reliable Chinese version of that document for Chinese scholars in the field of ancient history of Rome.
作者 杨渊清 张强
出处 《古代文明》 CSSCI 2014年第4期52-60,111,共9页 The Journal of Ancient Civilizations
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“古代、中世纪法律文献资料选注”(项目批号:11ZAD075)阶段性成果 东北师范大学“十一五”哲学社会科学行动计划重大攻关项目“西方古典著作整理与研究”(项目批号:NENU-SKB2009)阶段性成果
关键词 搜刮钱财罪 罗马法 陪审团 拉丁铭文 Crimen Repetundarum Roman Law Jury Latin Inscriptions
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  • 1M. H. Crawford ed., Roman Statutes, London: Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 1996, pp. 40-43.
  • 2E. Badian, "Lex Acilia Repetundarum," The American Journal of Philology, Vol. 75, No. 4 (1954), pp. 374-384.
  • 3A. N. Sherwin-White, "The Date of the Lex Repetundarum and Its Consequences," The Journal of Roman Studies, Vol. 62 (1972), pp. 83-99.
  • 4A. W. Lintott, "The Procedure under the Leges Calpurnia and Iunia de Repetundis and the Actio per Sponsionem," Zeitschrifl fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik, Bd. 22 (1976), pp. 207-214.
  • 5Andrew William Lintott, Judicial Reform and Land Reform in the Roman Republic, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992, pp. 10-32.
  • 6J. A. Crook, Andrew Lintott & Elizabeth Rawson eds., The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. IX, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008, pp. 62-86.
  • 7Catherine Steel, The End of the Roman Republic, 146 to 44 BC, Conquest and Crisis, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2013, pp. 15-26.
  • 8Clyde Pharr ed., Ancient Roman Statutes." .4 Translation with Introduction, Commentary, Glossary, and Index, Clark, New Jersey: The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd., 4^th edition revised, 2009, p. 38.
  • 9《牛津古典辞书》,第165页.
  • 10Simon Homblower, Antony Spawforth and Esther Eidinow eds., The Oxford Classical Dictionary, 4^th edition revised, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012, p. 809.









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