
组织资源、战略先动性与中小企业绩效关系研究--基于资源基础观的视角 被引量:27

The Relationship among Organizational Resources,Strategic Proactiveness and Performance——A Resources-based View
摘要 针对当前实践中中小企业的成长困局,特别是现有理论研究中对于企业资源—价值链条中"组织过程"的缺失,本研究以资源基础观为基础,遵循"资源—战略—绩效"的研究范式,通过全国213家中小企业样本,提出了基于"战略先动性"中介作用的实证研究模型,从实证角度对中小企业成长的战略因素进行了讨论,提出战略作为资源的价值实现机制对于中小企业具有重要意义。 For the dilemma of SMEs in practice and the missing link of the organizational process, this study follows theparadigm of "resource-strategy-performance" from resource-based perspective and further conducts an empirical researchof 251 SMEs in China. This study provides an empirical model based on the mediating effect of strategic proactivenessand discuss the strategic factors that affect the growth of SMEs, which suggests that the mechanism of value realizationplays an important role in SMEs' growth.
作者 魏谷 孙启新
出处 《中国软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第9期117-126,共10页 China Soft Science
关键词 资源基础 战略先动性 中小企业 企业成长 resource-based view strategic proactiveness SMEs firm growth
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